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Web1040 Pro

Get the help you need for your Web1040 Pro Software
9 articles

Support Resources

Web1040 Pro users have access to many resources to help with both office setup and return preparation. In addition to this manual, users have access to:Step-by-Step Guides – Whether the user is a new tax preparer or a seasoned professional, the Web 1040 Pro’s built-in guides will help the user navig...

Logging In

When you are ready to begin working in Web1040 Pro, follow these steps: Open your Internet browser and navigate to Click Login in the top right corner Enter your username and password. Your username will be your Client User ID. If this is your first time logging in, you have b...

Recommended Minimum System Requirement

Web1040 Pro is compatible with most operating systems. Unlike conventional software, users can access the program whenever and wherever they desire. For best results, the device being used must have the following. Adobe Reader (version 10 or above) TWAIN/WIA Compatible printer (laser for check prin...

DIY Troubleshooting

In the event of a technical problem, there are several Do -It-Yourself fixes to minimize the impact of a localized issue. Prior to contacting our support staff, please walkthrough these troubleshooting steps. This may resolve the issue and save time for both the user and the taxpayer. Log out of Web...

E-Filing an Amended Return

See this article if you aren't familiar with creating an amended return in Web1040pro .Once you have completed an Amended Return in Web1040 Pro and are ready to transmit it, navigate to the E-File page. The Federal Return Type needs to be a type other than "Paper Return". (Note: if the original retu...

Customer Portal

Web1040 Pro Customer Portal allows you and your customers to share documents back and forth quickly and securely. The Customer Portal can be accessed at the end of the return on the Submission Page. The button for Customer Portal will show right next to the Email Return option. Once you select the C...

Refund Calculator

Web1040 Pro offers you the ability to do a quick calculation of what your client's refund may be. This tool will guide you through a series of questions to help you give your client a fast estimate of their potential refund or amount due.Note: The result is only an estimate, and this tool is only re...

Mobile App User Guide

Taxes to Go Mobile App allows your clients to get their taxes done easier than ever before. It’s as simple as Snap, Send, Sign. Your taxpayers create an account through the Taxes to Go mobile application. After their account has been created, they will take snap shots of any documentation required t...

List of Supported Forms

Web1040 Pro program supports the following Federal Forms. Forms indicated with a * are not listed in the form search and are produced as needed based on the information entered in the return. Form 1040 Individual Resident Tax Return Form 1040NR Individual Nonresident Tax Return Form 1040-P...